
Josie Stang

Saint John’s Abbey Cemetery Manager
(320) 363-3434
[email protected]

Office hours:

Office hours available upon request.  Please contact staff to arrange an appointment.
Monday – Friday


About Saint John's Abbey Cemetery


Saint John’s Abbey Cemetery provides an identifiable and permanent resting place - a sense of place - and is an appropriate way for Saint John's to fulfill Saint Benedict's call to do good works, which includes the care for the deceased. 

That tradition flows out of fundamental tenets of the Catholic faith.

Just as in life, we believe that in death the human body deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. We foster a manner of remembering that is enlightened by faith and that views death as a bridge to the Communion of Saints. Our bond with God's people is not broken by death.


Saint John’s Abbey Cemetery is open to:

  • Alumni/ae, employees, and friends of Saint John’s University and Saint John’s Preparatory School.
  • Employees and friends of Liturgical Press.
  • Oblates, employees, and friends of Saint John’s Abbey and its apostolates.
  • Spouses and extended family of above.
  • Those who feel a close connection to Saint John's.


Abbot Baldwin Dworschak, O.S.B., Cemetery Fund

Learn about donating to Saint John's Abbey Cemetery here.

(320) 363-3434 | [email protected]